Saturday, June 17, 2017

Merkava Mk.4 MBT

The Merkava Mark IV is the latest version of the Merkava range of main battle tanks built by MANTAK (Merkava Tank Office). The tank entered into service with the Israel Defence Forces in 2004 and is regarded as one of the best protected tanks in the world.

The Mk.4 is armed with a 120mm MG253 smoothbore gun capable of firing high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) and sabot rounds, as well as LAHAT anti-tank guided missiles. The 7.62mm coaxial and 12.7mm swivel-mounted machine guns and 60mm grenade launcher complement the fire power of the tank.

The Merkava Mk.4 is fitted with special spaced armour, sprung armour side skirts, an Elbit laser warning system and IMI in-built smoke-screen grenades. The Trophy active protection system aboard the tank protects the crew against advanced anti-tank missiles. The tank moves at a maximum speed of 64km/h.

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